diff --git a/web/backend/config.sample.json b/web/backend/config.sample.json
index cb7625b..8805f79 100644
--- a/web/backend/config.sample.json
+++ b/web/backend/config.sample.json
@@ -1,16 +1,18 @@
     "nodes": {
         "<nodename>": {
-            "pub-endpoint": "<clearnet-fqdn/ip-address>", //optional, recommended
+            "pub-endpoint": "<clearnet-fqdn/ip-address>", //optional, recommended, default: None/null
             "api-con": "http://<node-(internal)-ip/hostname>:<port>/", // required
-            "comment": "/* from here: data to be displayed on the webinterface */",
+            "#comment": "/* from here: data to be displayed on the webinterface */",
             "country": "...", // Countrycode: 2 capital letters
             "city": "...",
             "wg-key": "...=", // pubkey of node; required
             "internal-v4": "172.2x.xxx.xxx", //at least one ipv{4,6} addr required
             "internal-v6": "fdxx:...",
             "internal-v4ll": "169.254.xxx.xxx",
-            "internal-v6ll": "fe80::..."
+            "internal-v6ll": "fe80::...",
+            "note": "...", //optional, special precausions, like only supporting a specific amount of peers/ipv{4,6} in clearnet, etc
+            "capacity": 100 //optional, default: -1 (infinite); estimated capacity of that node (i.e. OPENVZ(7) only has userspace WG (which consumes memory for every interface created))
     "MNT": "YOUR-MNT", // your MNT tag
@@ -18,6 +20,7 @@
     "port": 8042, 
     "domain": "example.org", // domain to use for kioubit verification service
     "base-dir": "/", //optional:directury for which it is reachable (if behind some sort of reverse proxy) default "/"
+    "production": true, //optional, default true; 
     "debug-mode": false, // optional; whethet to enable debugging; default false
     "flask-secret-key": "<secret-please-replace>", // secret key for session cookies
     "flask-template-dir": "../frontend/" // optional; default "../frontend"
diff --git a/web/backend/main.py b/web/backend/main.py
index 4025915..bdd987a 100644
--- a/web/backend/main.py
+++ b/web/backend/main.py
@@ -21,6 +21,9 @@ class Config (dict):
         #self.__getitem__ = self._config.__getitem__
+    def __contains__(self, o):
+        return self._config.__contains__(o)
     def __delitem__(self, v):
         raise NotImplementedError()
@@ -96,12 +99,12 @@ def login():
             asn = asn[2:] if asn[:1].lower() == "as" else asn
             if "allowed4" in request.form:
                 allowed4 = request.form["allowed4"]
-                allowed4 = allowed_v4.split(",") if "," in allowed_v4 else allowed_v4
+                allowed4 = allowed4.split(",") if "," in allowed4 else allowed4
                 allowed4 = None
             if "allowed6" in request.form:
                 allowed6 = request.form["allowed6"]
-                allowed6 = allowed_v6.split(",") if "," in allowed_v6 else allowed_v6
+                allowed6 = allowed6.split(",") if "," in allowed6 else allowed6
                 allowed6 = None
             session["user-data"] = {'asn':asn,'allowed4': allowed4, 'allowed6': allowed6,'mnt':mnt, 'authtype': "debug"}
@@ -152,7 +155,12 @@ def main():
     app.static_folder= config["flask-template-dir"]+"/static/"
     app.secret_key = config["flask-secret-key"]
-    app.run(host=config["listen"], port=config["port"], debug=config["debug-mode"], threaded=True)
+    if "production" in config and config["production"] == False:
+        app.run(host=config["listen"], port=config["port"], debug=config["debug-mode"], threaded=True)
+    else:
+        from waitress import serve
+        serve(app, host=config["listen"], port=config["port"])
 if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/web/frontend/base.html b/web/frontend/base.html
index b1b1d8a..e8b1e98 100644
--- a/web/frontend/base.html
+++ b/web/frontend/base.html
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
     <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{config['base-dir']}}static/style.css">
-    <header class="flex flex-row"><div></div><a href="{{config['base-dir']}}">{{config["MNT"]}} Autopeering</a>{% if "login" in session %}<a href="{{config['base-dir']}}logout">logout</a>{% else %} <a href="{{config['base-dir']}}login?return=/peer">login</a>{%endif%}</header>
+    <header class="flex flex-row"><div></div><a href="{{config['base-dir']}}">{{config["MNT"]}} Autopeering</a>{% if "login" in session %}<a href="{{config['base-dir']}}logout">logout</a>{% else %} <a href="{{config['base-dir']}}login?return=/peerings">login</a>{%endif%}</header>
     <div class="content flex">
         {% block content %}
         {% endblock %}
diff --git a/web/requirements.txt b/web/requirements.txt
index 7cf74ff..1309823 100644
--- a/web/requirements.txt
+++ b/web/requirements.txt
@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
\ No newline at end of file