2024-03-10 21:35:34 +01:00
import os
import time
2025-03-09 02:04:37 +01:00
import sys
2024-03-10 21:35:34 +01:00
2025-03-09 02:04:37 +01:00
from ipaddress import ip_address , ip_network , IPv4Network , IPv6Network
2024-03-10 21:35:34 +01:00
class Singleton ( object ) :
def __new__ ( cls , * args , * * kw ) :
if not hasattr ( cls , ' _instance ' ) :
orig = super ( Singleton , cls )
cls . _instance = orig . __new__ ( cls , * args , * * kw )
return cls . _instance
def singleton ( cls , * args , * * kw ) :
instances = { }
def _singleton ( * args , * * kw ) :
if cls not in instances :
instances [ cls ] = cls ( * args , * * kw )
return instances [ cls ]
return _singleton
class Registry ( object ) :
registryPath = None
required_keys = [ " mnt-by " , " source " ]
single_keys = [ " source " , " descr " , " single " , " org " , " policy " , " status " , " cidr " , " max-length " , " netname " , " nic-hdl " , " status " , " abuse-mailbox " , " as-block " , " as-name " , " as-set " , " aut-num " , " compression " , " country " , " dir-name " , " domain " , " fingerpr " , " inet6num " , " inetnum " ,
" key-cert " , " method " , " mntner " , " organisation " , " org-name " , " owners " , " owner " , " person " , " port " , " ref " , " registry " , " role " , " route " , " route6 " , " route-set " , " schema " , " tinc-address " , " tinc-file " , " tinc-host " , " tinc-keyset " , " tinc-key " ]
multi_keys = [ " mnt-by " , " remarks " , " tech-c " , " admin-c " , " org " , " nserver " , " ds-rdata " , " member-of " , " abuse-mailbox " , " abuse-c " , " address " , " country " , " e-mail " , " fax-no " , " mbrs-by-ref " , " members " , " mnt-lower " , " origin " , " phone " , " pingable " , " www " , " zone-c " , " auth " ,
" certif " , " contact " , " default " , " export " , " geo-loc " , " geoloc " , " import " , " key " , " language " , " member " , " mnt-ref " , " mp-default " , " mp-export " , " mp-group " , " mp-import " , " mp-members " , " network-owner " , " nick " , " owner " , " pgp-fingerprint " , " primary-key " , " subnet " , " url " ]
required_per_type = { " as-block " : [ " as-block " , " policy " ] , " as-set " : [ " as-set " ] , " aut-num " : [ " aut-num " , " as-name " ] , " dns " : [ " domain " , " nserver " ] , " inet6num " : [ " inet6num " , " cidr " ] , " inetnum " : [ " inetnum " , " cidr " ] , " key-cert " : [ " key-cert " , " method " , " owner " , " fingerpr " , " certif " ] , " mntner " : [ " mntner " ] ,
" organisation " : [ " organisation " , " org-name " ] , " person " : [ " person " , " nic-hdl " ] , " registry " : [ " registry " , " url " ] , " role " : [ " role " , " nic-hdl " ] , " route " : [ " route " , " origin " ] , " route6 " : [ " route6 " , " origin " ] , " route-set " : [ " route-set " ] , " schema " : [ " schema " , " ref " , " key " ] , " tinc-key " : [ " tinc-key " , " tinc-host " , " tinc-file " ] , " tinc-keyset " : [ " tinc-keyset " , " member " ] }
def __init__ ( self , registryPath : str = None ) :
if registryPath != None :
self . registryPath = registryPath
self . index = { }
# cache: to not need to make expensive actions, expired: if something changed in the index, will rerun expensive actions
self . _cache = { " mntner-objects " : { } , " expired " : True }
def _parse_from_content ( self , objectType : str , objectFile : str ) :
previous_key = None
for line in self . index [ objectType ] [ objectFile ] [ " _content " ] :
# start = " "*20 or just"+" -> continuation of previous key/value
if line . startswith ( " " ) or line == " + \n " :
if previous_key :
if previous_key in self . multi_keys :
self . index [ objectType ] [ objectFile ] [ previous_key ] [ - 1 ] + = " \n " + \
line [ 20 : ] . rstrip ( )
else :
self . index [ objectType ] [ objectFile ] [ previous_key ] + = " \n " + \
line [ 20 : ] . rstrip ( )
else :
print (
f " ERROR: empty/invalid first line(s) in { objectType } / { objectFile } " )
else :
# if line.startswith("source"):
# print(f"INFO: source found in: {dir}/{objectPath}")
_key = line . split ( " : " ) [ 0 ]
if _key == " source " :
if _key in self . multi_keys :
if not _key in self . index [ objectType ] [ objectFile ] :
self . index [ objectType ] [ objectFile ] [ _key ] = [
line [ 20 : ] . rstrip ( ) ]
else :
self . index [ objectType ] [ objectFile ] [ _key ] . append (
line [ 20 : ] . rstrip ( ) )
elif _key in self . single_keys :
if not _key in self . index [ objectType ] [ objectFile ] :
self . index [ objectType ] [ objectFile ] [ _key ] = line [ 20 : ] . rstrip (
else :
print (
f " WARN: { objectType } / { objectFile } has multiple { _key } , which is has to be ' single ' " )
else :
print (
f " WARN: invalid key { _key } found in { objectType } / { objectFile } " )
previous_key = _key
for req_key in self . required_keys + self . required_per_type [ objectType ] :
if not req_key in self . index [ objectType ] [ objectFile ] :
print (
f " WARN: required key { req_key } not found in { objectType } / { objectFile } " )
def _build_index ( self , object : tuple = None ) :
# fail when registryPath isn't initialized yet
assert self . registryPath != None , f " registryPath not yet initialized "
# load everything
if not object :
print ( " INFO: building full registry index " )
start_time = time . time ( )
# TODO: get list of types from data/schema/* or data/*
for dir in [ " as-block " , " as-set " , " aut-num " , " dns " , " inet6num " , " inetnum " , " key-cert " , " mntner " , " organisation " , " person " , " registry " , " role " , " route " , " route6 " , " route-set " , " schema " , " tinc-key " , " tinc-keyset " ] :
self . index [ dir ] = { }
try :
for objectFile in os . listdir ( f " { self . registryPath } /data/ { dir } / " ) :
self . index [ dir ] [ objectFile ] = { }
with open ( f " { self . registryPath } /data/ { dir } / { objectFile } " ) as f :
self . index [ dir ] [ objectFile ] [ " _content " ] = f . readlines ( )
self . _parse_from_content ( dir , objectFile )
except FileNotFoundError :
print ( f " WARN: directory for { dir } doesn ' t exist " )
self . _cache [ " expired " ] = True
print (
f " INFO: building registry index done, took { time . time ( ) - start_time } " )
# (re)load one specific object
else :
. . .
self . _cache [ " expired " ] = True
def get_object ( self , objectType : str , objectFile : str ) - > tuple [ bool , dict or str ] :
# check if index is not yet initialized
if self . index == { } :
print ( " INFO: requested get_object, but index not yet created " )
self . _build_index ( )
if objectType in self . index :
if objectFile in self . index [ objectType ] :
return True , self . index [ objectType ] [ objectFile ]
return False , " not found "
2024-09-11 20:42:14 +02:00
def get_all_by_mntner ( self , mntner : str , requestedType : str = None ) - > tuple [ bool , dict or str ] :
" requestedType: string of type, if None returns all "
2024-03-10 21:35:34 +01:00
def _load_by_mntner ( mntner : str ) - > dict :
ret = { }
for objectType in self . index :
2024-09-11 20:42:14 +02:00
if requestedType == None or objectType == requestedType :
for objectFile in self . index [ objectType ] :
if mntner in self . index [ objectType ] [ objectFile ] [ " mnt-by " ] :
if objectType in ret :
ret [ objectType ] [ objectFile ] = self . index [ objectType ] [ objectFile ]
else :
ret [ objectType ] = {
objectFile : self . index [ objectType ] [ objectFile ] }
2024-03-10 21:35:34 +01:00
return ret
# check if index is not yet initialized
if self . index == { } :
print ( " INFO: requested get_object, but index not yet created " )
self . _build_index ( )
2024-09-11 20:42:14 +02:00
if mntner in self . _cache [ " mntner-objects " ] and ( " None " in self . _cache [ " mntner-objects " ] [ mntner ] . keys ( ) or requestedType in self . _cache [ " mntner-objects " ] [ mntner ] . keys ( ) ) :
2024-03-10 21:35:34 +01:00
if self . _cache [ " expired " ] :
# if the cache is expired: clear cache and reset "expired"
self . _cache [ " mntner-objects " ] = { }
self . _cache [ " expired " ] = False
ret = _load_by_mntner ( mntner )
2024-09-11 20:42:14 +02:00
self . _cache [ " mntner-objects " ] [ mntner ] = { }
self . _cache [ " mntner-objects " ] [ mntner ] [ " None " if requestedType == None else requestedType ] = ret
2024-03-10 21:35:34 +01:00
if ret == { } :
return False , f " no objects found for { mntner } "
return True , ret
else :
2024-09-11 20:42:14 +02:00
return True , self . _cache [ " mntner-objects " ] [ mntner ] [ " None " if requestedType == None else requestedType ]
2024-03-10 21:35:34 +01:00
else :
2024-09-11 20:42:14 +02:00
if requestedType is not None and mntner in self . _cache [ " mntner-objects " ] and " None " in self . _cache [ " mntner-objects " ] [ mntner ] :
ret = { requestedType : self . _cache [ " mntner-objects " ] }
else :
ret = _load_by_mntner ( mntner )
2024-03-10 21:35:34 +01:00
self . _cache [ " mntner-objects " ] [ mntner ] = ret
if ret == { } :
return False , f " no objects found for { mntner } "
return True , ret
def _save_object_to_file ( self , objectType : str , objectFile : str ) :
with open ( f " { self . registryPath } /data/ { objectType } / { objectFile } " , " w " ) as f :
f . writelines ( self . index [ objectType ] [ objectFile ] [ " _content " ] )
def store_object ( self , objectType : str , objectFile : str , content : iter ) :
if objectType in self . index :
if objectFile in self . index [ objectType ] :
if type ( content ) == str :
self . index [ objectType ] [ objectFile ] [ " _content " ] = [
f " { line } \n " for line in content . split ( " \n " ) ]
elif type ( content ) in [ list , tuple , iter ] :
for line in content :
if type ( line ) != str :
raise ValueError (
f " content is { type ( content ) } instead of str or list of str " )
self . index [ objectType ] [ objectFile ] [ " _content " ] = content
else :
raise ValueError (
f " content is { type ( content ) } instead of str or list of str " )
else :
raise KeyError (
f " type { objectType } / { objectFile } doesn ' t exist in index " )
else :
raise KeyError ( f " type { objectType } doesn ' t exist in index " )
self . _save_object_to_file ( objectType , objectFile )
self . _cache [ " expired " ] = True
self . _cache [ " mntner-objects " ] = { }
2025-03-09 02:04:37 +01:00
def _build_records ( self , parent_zone : str , record_name : str , TTL : int , nservers : [ str ] , ds_rdata : [ str ] = [ ] ) - > [ str ] :
records = [ ]
servers = dict ( )
for nserver in nservers :
server = nserver . split ( " \t " , 1 ) if " \t " in nserver else nserver . split ( " " , 1 )
if server [ 0 ] not in servers :
servers [ server [ 0 ] ] = [ ]
if len ( server ) == 2 :
servers [ server [ 0 ] ] . append ( server [ 1 ] )
for server in servers :
records . append ( f " { record_name } . { TTL } IN NS { server } . " )
if not server . endswith ( parent_zone ) :
# nserver outside of your zone (also shouldn't have ip addresses, but who knows
elif not server . endswith ( record_name ) :
# nserver address is not in this zone, won't add A/AAAA records for it
for ip in servers [ server ] :
# if there is a ip specified for this nserver
try :
# try parsing the ip to an ip_address
# (it has to be stripped, because sometimes there are multiple whitespace between nserver hostname and ip)
address = ip_address ( ip . strip ( ) )
if address . version == 6 :
#records.append(f"{server}. {TTL} IN AAAA {address.compressed}")
records . append ( f " { server } . { TTL } IN AAAA { ip . strip ( ) } " ) # the java implementation of the dn42 master just copies the (strriped) ip ...
elif address . version == 4 :
records . append ( f " { server } . { TTL } IN A { address } " )
else :
print ( f " WARN: unknown ip version of ' { ip } ' for { server } " )
except ValueError :
print ( f " WARN: ' { ip } ' for { server } isn ' t a a valid ip address " )
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2025-03-09 02:04:37 +01:00
for ds in ds_rdata :
records . append ( f " { record_name } . { TTL } IN DS { ds } " )
return records
2025-03-12 18:48:19 +01:00
def _build_registry_sync_zone ( self , zone : str , TTL : int ) - > [ str ] :
# returns A/AAAA records for nservers of the form "$(reverse_ipv4).ipv4.${zone}" and "${reverse_ipv6}.ipv6.${zone}" as well as the records based on data/dns/${zone}
zone = zone [ : - 1 ] if zone . endswith ( " . " ) else zone
if not zone in self . index [ " dns " ] :
print ( f " ERROR: object for dns/ { zone } doesn ' t exist not generating a empty zone for it " )
return [ ]
domain_data = self . index [ " dns " ] [ zone ]
records = self . _build_records ( zone , zone , TTL , domain_data [ " nserver " ] , domain_data [ " ds-rdata " ] if " ds-rdata " in domain_data else [ ] )
v4_domain = f " .ipv4. { zone } "
v6_domain = f " .ipv6. { zone } "
joined = self . index [ " dns " ] | self . index [ " inet6num " ] | self . index [ " inetnum " ]
for key in joined :
object_data = joined [ key ]
if not " nserver " in object_data :
for nserver in object_data [ " nserver " ] :
nserver = nserver . split ( " " , 1 )
if not nserver [ 0 ] . endswith ( zone ) :
elif not len ( nserver ) == 1 :
print ( f " WARN: registry sync: { key } specifies ip address for a registry-sync address, ignoring that address " )
if nserver [ 0 ] . endswith ( v4_domain ) :
records . append ( f " { nserver [ 0 ] } . { TTL } IN A { ' . ' . join ( nserver [ 0 ] . replace ( v4_domain , ' ' ) . split ( ' . ' ) [ : : - 1 ] ) } " )
elif nserver [ 0 ] . endswith ( v6_domain ) :
_ip6 = nserver [ 0 ] . replace ( v6_domain , " " ) . replace ( " . " , " " ) [ : : - 1 ]
try :
records . append ( f " { nserver [ 0 ] } . { TTL } IN AAAA { ip_address ( ' : ' . join ( a + b + c + d for a , b , c , d in zip ( _ip6 [ : : 4 ] , _ip6 [ 1 : : 4 ] , _ip6 [ 2 : : 4 ] , _ip6 [ 3 : : 4 ] ) ) ) . compressed } " )
except ValueError :
print ( f " WARN: { nserver [ 0 ] } couldn ' t get parsed to ipv6 address, not adding it to the zone " )
else :
print ( f " WARN: unknown registry-sync prefix in { key } not parsing that hostname " )
return records
2025-03-09 02:04:37 +01:00
def _generate_forward_zone ( self , zone : str , TTL : int ) - > [ str ] :
records = [ ]
zone = zone [ : - 1 ] if zone . endswith ( " . " ) else zone
for domain in self . index [ " dns " ] :
if not domain . endswith ( zone ) :
# ignore none $zone domains
domain_data = self . index [ " dns " ] [ domain ]
records + = self . _build_records ( zone , domain , TTL , domain_data [ " nserver " ] , domain_data [ " ds-rdata " ] if " ds-rdata " in domain_data else [ ] )
return records
def _generate_reverseV6_zone ( self , zone : str , TTL : int ) - > [ str ] :
records = [ ]
zone = zone [ : - 1 ] if zone . endswith ( " . " ) else zone
for objectFile in self . index [ " inet6num " ] :
net = IPv6Network ( objectFile . replace ( " _ " , " / " ) )
# generate domain from the network
domain = " . " . join ( net . exploded . split ( " / " ) [ 0 ] . replace ( " : " , " " ) [ ( net . prefixlen / / 4 ) - 1 : : - 1 ] ) + " .ip6.arpa "
if not domain . endswith ( zone ) :
# ignore none $zone domains
domain_data = self . index [ " inet6num " ] [ objectFile ]
# ignore inet6nums without nservers
if not " nserver " in domain_data :
records + = self . _build_records ( zone , domain , TTL , domain_data [ " nserver " ] , domain_data [ " ds-rdata " ] if " ds-rdata " in domain_data else [ ] )
return records
def _generate_reverseV4_zone ( self , zone : str , TTL : int ) - > [ str ] :
records = [ ]
zone = zone [ : - 1 ] if zone . endswith ( " . " ) else zone
for objectFile in self . index [ " inetnum " ] :
net = IPv4Network ( objectFile . replace ( " _ " , " / " ) )
if net . prefixlen > 24 :
domain = net . reverse_pointer
if not domain . endswith ( zone ) :
# ignore none $zone domains
domain_data = self . index [ " inetnum " ] [ objectFile ]
# ignore inetnums without nservers
if not " nserver " in domain_data :
records + = self . _build_records ( zone , domain , TTL , domain_data [ " nserver " ] , domain_data [ " ds-rdata " ] if " ds-rdata " in domain_data else [ ] )
# generate the CNAMEs for the single ips (because we don't have a full /24)
if net . prefixlen == 32 :
records . append ( f " { net . network_address . reverse_pointer } . { TTL } IN CNAME { net . network_address . reverse_pointer . split ( ' . ' , 1 ) [ 0 ] } . { domain } . " )
else :
records + = [ f " { host . reverse_pointer } . { TTL } IN CNAME { host . reverse_pointer . split ( ' . ' , 1 ) [ 0 ] } . { domain } . " for host in [ net . network_address , * net . hosts ( ) , net . broadcast_address ] ]
elif net . prefixlen % 8 == 0 :
# this is a /8, /16, or /24 (/32s are handled above)
net = IPv4Network ( objectFile . replace ( " _ " , " / " ) )
domain = " . " . join ( net . reverse_pointer . split ( " . " ) [ ( 4 - net . prefixlen / / 8 ) : ] )
if not domain . endswith ( zone ) :
# ignore none $zone domains
domain_data = self . index [ " inetnum " ] [ objectFile ]
# ignore inetnums without nservers
if not " nserver " in domain_data :
records + = self . _build_records ( zone , domain , TTL , domain_data [ " nserver " ] , domain_data [ " ds-rdata " ] if " ds-rdata " in domain_data else [ ] )
else :
# we now only have larger than /24 (but not "whole" subnets) remaining => multiple /24 zones
net = IPv4Network ( objectFile . replace ( " _ " , " / " ) )
domain = " . " . join ( net . reverse_pointer . split ( " . " ) [ ( 3 - net . prefixlen / / 8 ) : ] )
if not domain . endswith ( zone ) :
# ignore none $zone domains
domain_data = self . index [ " inetnum " ] [ objectFile ]
# ignore inetnums without nservers
if not " nserver " in domain_data :
for subnet in net . subnets ( 8 - ( net . prefixlen % 8 ) ) :
domain = " . " . join ( subnet . reverse_pointer . split ( " . " ) [ ( 3 - net . prefixlen / / 8 ) : ] )
records + = self . _build_records ( zone , domain , TTL , domain_data [ " nserver " ] , domain_data [ " ds-rdata " ] if " ds-rdata " in domain_data else [ ] )
return records
def generate_dns_zone ( self , zone : str , TTL : int = 900 ) - > [ str ] :
# check if index is not yet initialized
if self . index == { } :
print ( " INFO: requested generate_dns_zone, but index not yet created " )
self . _build_index ( )
if zone . endswith ( " ip6.arpa. " ) :
# ipv6 reverse zone -> inet6num
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return list ( set ( self . _generate_reverseV6_zone ( zone , TTL ) ) )
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elif zone . endswith ( " in-addr.arpa. " ) :
# ipv4 reverse zone -> inetnum
2025-03-09 12:29:58 +01:00
return list ( set ( self . _generate_reverseV4_zone ( zone , TTL ) ) )
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else :
# other zone -> dns
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return list ( set ( self . _generate_forward_zone ( zone , TTL ) ) )
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2024-03-10 21:35:34 +01:00
if __name__ == " __main__ " :
reg = Registry ( " dn42-registry " )
reg . _build_index ( )
print ( reg . get_all_by_mntner ( " LARE-MNT " ) )